woi! gile punye org...HAHAHAH...ksian gile aq tgk tau..jdi sakit mental gtu pa..
prasan tahap dewa doe! hahah..
ade ke si *** tu kate dia "AWESOME" die "cute" ! i was like.....
wHat THe ??!! bhahahahahahahah;p
excuse me miss...if you are so AWESOME why do you have no friends? haha..why do everyone who were close to you ran away..? man that's hilarious..hahahah..if you're so AWESOME why aren't you famous in school..if you asks anybody..Do you know ***? they will say: NO. who's that? haha...if some of them knows you anyway..later on,they will forget you either way..bhahah..and one more thing,if you're so AWESOME,why don't you succeed everything in your life? so,jgn la jdi ORG YG PRASAN =)
next topic,you say you're CUTE..
do you think so? well,good for you cause you're NOT. if you're cute why there isn't any guy crushing on you..what do you call him...oh yeah, ANG! you say he's good-looking,well i don't think so..he looks like abraham linkin for me..soooooo not good-looking...mybe he's suitable with your face...HAHA. but too bad for you..boohooo! :D he doesn't have any feelings for you..you felt so crushed..:( like being crushed by a big butt of a hippo..like this one:D
big fatty ass...just like YOURS=).
jadi anak2 sekalian..ambik pengajaran daripada kisah si *** ni..jangan lah terlalu sanjung akan diri sendiri..kalu kenyataan boleh tahan..tp,jgn buat jugak ye..nnti tuhan tarik balik nikmat tu..tindakan beliau itu cume memalukan diri sendiri sje..tp tkpe lah..x baek an CKP BURUK psl org...minta maaf...baibai =D
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