Saturday, April 23, 2011


as usual exam a few weeks ago..:p hate it! because i did not do well in the exam..i confused much...i wrote the wrong answer that is needed..urhh! and i'm being careless..soooooooooooo dissapointed in myself..but,luckily i got 2A's...HAha! i got A in BM and PAI..the others are B..but most of them 70 something..yeay for me! BUT. i got one D...curse you geografi!!! target in the class is 2a6b. but i got 2a5b1d. HAHA. slip one of the subject..curse you GEO!! haha..anw,move on.and do better in the mid year exam that is coming soon...hope i can do much much much better..haha..aminnn..:)

btw,after kem in school...i go my car..i found a baby scorpion on my hand near my fingers!! i'm so shocked then i smashed my hand on the car's sofa..i don't know it had bitten me or not..but my hand becomes swollen(bengkak) and then it felt like"kebas". i'm in pain! damn you fuckin scorpion! :'( ouchh...
*sori if it isn't clear enough..heheh

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


wee! :D aq pkai lens...haha...mule2 takut gile ouhh nk akak kt kdai pang tu kate..pkai aje..tkdop de eh..i pom pkai mlalui ajaran die...haha..skang reti olah pkai sndiri...wee! ni yg brown punye..x nmpk sgt kan? dina pkai yg ni la g skul..heheh!


tenkiu kpd sumer yg bg present brthdy...
thx farah sbb bg cawan aiskrim..cumell! haha
thx jawpap 'kia' for giving me the cute bunny!
thx my bby syg for giving me a teddy! alabiu syg:)

Friday, April 15, 2011


few hours til my birthday...can't wait! HAHA :D


so guys,cmni nk kbo bbrpa benda je nim..

1. esok brthdy aq! weeee:D
2. mesti kne mandi tepung,telur,mcm2..rmai kott yg ugut...haha
3. jgn la suke jage tepi kain org
4. aq ngaku kdg2 aq kau LAGI perasan. HAHA
5. aq x tiru kau pon..buang mase..kau je yg prasan aq tiru kau..pdhal kau yg tiru aq..
    xde idea ke nk wk pic blog tuh..tiru style aq nmpk..HAHA..kelam sungguh jdi org..
6. sori pon tulis sume tu pon org len sakok gok..bkn mg sorg
7. sori lau sakit aq sakit ati gakk..takkan kau je kott..
8. eheh..jawpap buat blog...kawe x pehe blog die..haha..anw,nice sista!

tu je lah...haha...bye! <3

Thursday, April 14, 2011

REDHA :) x tau dh nk ckp mcm mne lgi...kau kutuk la aq sepuas2 ati kau..sbb mnde tu x kan effect aq lngsung..
sejak bile la aq anggap diri aq ni perfect..setahu aq aq xla comeyy pom..rmai g yg 100x ganda comey drp aq..lebih baik drp aq..kutuk la..kutuk dah lame x kutuk kau pon...pndai2 la kau fikir sebanyak mne kau nk x nk dah..puas dh mulut ni berbuih bercakap tentang mnde yg x berfaedah..first of all,kau kate aq tiru kau..HELL-0 kau tu yg tiru aq..prasan nk mmpus! antaranya ialah kau tiru picture aq utk blog kau..mne ad same style kott..and terima kasih sbb kate aq ni pompuan kampung msuk bndar..setahu aq,aq mmg org bndar aq ttap hargai asal usul keturunan aq yg di kampung..status seseorg x brgntung pd darjat diorg..jd jgn la sesenang hati nk komen psl org..diri sendiri pon x tgk dpn cermin tau la kau tu bndar kan..and ape tujuan kau komen psl pergerakan aq..pergerakan kau tu hebadd sgt ke?..jgn la pndng rendah trhdp org lain..and jgn la kau sentuh psl kwn2 aq tu..diorg bukan hamba aq..atas kau ar nk anggap diorg tu hambe..sbb bg aq diorg la segale2 nye..diorg ade temani hidup aku ni..setiap pandangan org ade yg baik ade jhat kan..kalu pon diorg tu hamba aq..sbb ape aq bzir duit buat surprise brthdy SETIAP SEORG..buat ape aq bg hadiah mcm2 ke diorg pd hari bkn brthdy blanje diorg mkn..hepi2 ngn diorg..sejujurnya demi ALLAH aq x terlintas pon nk lyn mereka mcm lyn mereka sbgai kwn..dan maaf lah kalau kau x terasa mcm tu..mybe sbb kau terlalu dikuasai oleh perasaan negatif yg selalu meresap dlm hidup kau..and satu lg jgn lah suka hati nk tuduh x sebar pon statement yg engkau tu suke dkt 'mr.huggly' tu..kau je yg perasan sendiri..biasalah statement tu akn tersebar gok kalau ade bnde mcm "gossip" ni kan..sesungguhnya fitnah tu lg teruk drp redha je ap yg kau nk kate kt aq..sbb kite bkn boleh nk puaskan sume org dlm hidup kite..terima kasih la sbb prnh wujud dlm hdup aq..tkpe lah..teruskanlah aktiviti mengutuk aq tu..sbb nnt akn ad juga balasan bg org yg mngutuk dn menfitnah org dh stop dh mngutuk kau...lame dh..sbb aq takut nnt result pmr aq terjejas..tu je aq nk kate..sekian.

Friday, April 8, 2011


esk skula....xmo pegi xmo pegi....:(
dina xmo tahu result...tau doh dok molekk...xmoooooo:(
i dun wanna go !! noooooooooooooooo!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


just like this...
living my life with loneliness...not to share...not to cure...
hari ke hari kau tidak spend mne pom mse ngn aq..
sibuk dgn sukan kt skul sif tuh..kalu spend mse pom skjap je..tu pon tak serious2 pom msg..
gile sunyi...;'(
bkpe wak gni kt sy..sdgkan awk dh habis dh kan acare..bleh balik kan..
tp tak...awk x nk...nk duk ctu lgi...nk sokong katenye....ikut lah..
sabar je la jwbnye...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

i love you ...

hey bloggy! :( i miss him so much... i miss his laugh,smile and his way to make me pissed off with him.. HAHA
baby .. i really2 miss you.. please don't go too long... i think i'll die without you by my side.. i need my air to breathe.. and that air is YOU.

i'll wait for you .. i felt like half of my soul gone away.. please return back quickly and fulfill this soul to be reunited again .. <3 loves truly-DINA

Saturday, April 2, 2011

nk muntahh!

woi! gile punye org...HAHAHAH...ksian gile aq tgk tau..jdi sakit mental gtu pa..
prasan tahap dewa doe! hahah..
ade ke si *** tu kate dia "AWESOME" die "cute" ! i was like.....

wHat THe ??!!  bhahahahahahahah;p
excuse me miss...if you are so AWESOME why do you have no friends? haha..why do everyone who were close to you ran away..? man that's hilarious..hahahah..if you're so AWESOME why aren't you famous in school..if you asks anybody..Do you know ***? they will say: NO. who's that? haha...if some of them knows you anyway..later on,they will forget you either way..bhahah..and one more thing,if you're so AWESOME,why don't you succeed everything in your life? so,jgn la jdi ORG YG PRASAN =)
next topic,you say you're CUTE..
do you think so? well,good for you cause you're NOT. if you're cute why there isn't any guy crushing on you..what do you call him...oh yeah, ANG! you say he's good-looking,well i don't think so..he looks like abraham linkin for me..soooooo not good-looking...mybe he's suitable with your face...HAHA. but too bad for you..boohooo! :D he doesn't have any feelings for felt so crushed..:( like being crushed by a big butt of a this one:D
  big fatty ass...just like YOURS=).

jadi anak2 sekalian..ambik pengajaran daripada kisah si *** ni..jangan lah terlalu sanjung akan diri sendiri..kalu kenyataan boleh,jgn buat jugak ye..nnti tuhan tarik balik nikmat tu..tindakan beliau itu cume memalukan diri sendiri tkpe lah..x baek an CKP BURUK psl org...minta maaf...baibai =D