bodo natangg! gile molek org..
psiko punye org...sian ke mg sikek er org nk kwn..
eh bkn.xdop langsung!
or se g,bkpe mg tulis kt blog mg yg aq kate mg nok ke boyf aq? aq ade kbo gtu ke? haha..prasan je lebih..
se g kau kate pkwe aq udoh la...doh ANG mg tu dok udoh..? pe beruk aq tgk..semadd boyf aq g..
at least aq dpt org yg aq syg...KAU? tu x suke pom kt kau...kau yg over acting...euww! mmg ade jubo tahi...bkpe? mg adop ke? hHHAHA
setan goh org...doh la HITAM..GEMUK...PRASAN...
eeeee.....tolong ar....luga aq tgk mg...nok2 bile mg prasan mg ae comey..ahu bende
monggeng besor molek...belon dok besor gtu..
mg an dok redha npe wk ke aq op..dh nasi2 mg berokk g ar kutip mule kt tmpat proses tahi or...kot ade g jd gne? bkn aq mtop free...byor gune duit aq gop...
dah ar aq mkir2 ckp2 psl mg...amik tahu psl mg ke...wk nyekit er...
adok gune gok mg dlm hidup aq...wk nyusoh ade...haha..
see you later,motherfucker....or i should say see you never...BHAHAHAHA ;D
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Posted by FDRA at 10:29 AM 0 comments tau aq PERFECT :)
aq an CERDIK :)
so? dengki ke? hakikat nye kau tu mmg mcm tu..
aq x suruh pom mg berkorban utk aq..gile
xsey nk bela2 diri ah..ahu bende org..
Posted by FDRA at 10:19 AM 0 comments
i felt like imma burst my throat off..i'm screaming...i'm hot with fire...everything...thx for being my best friend..and now with your jelaousy..i hope you'll be happy..congrats for losing me,kia, bout somethin2 by talking badly about us..of course you're talking like shit ! because you are full with the jealousy controlling your whole mind and think we forgot about you..oh hell it's your fault! always dissapearing in thin air..and now you're blaming us..too much for a BITCH i guess..sorry if my word a little too harsh on you..okay..i'm mad at you last few days..because? YOU are sitting VERY VERY VERY closely next to MY BOYFRIEND! and what? i saw it with my own eyes..Kia also saw it and she knows what i felt that have a brain don't ya? use it! and then..i forgot about it..just let it,i'm totally M . A . D at you..AGAIN! for you for being lonely..and u want to know why that happens to u? because you are being over-acting..totally possessed with the word "jealousy". Fine! obvious i guess..bubye from me...naya...and kia....hope you will be happy with your husband the "jealousy" . HAHA. dumb ass=__=
Posted by FDRA at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Posted by FDRA at 2:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 17, 2011
- bgun
- mandi
- makan
- texting ngn boyfiee aq Fakrul Azim
- tgk tv
- on9 fb
- blogging
- tgk kpop
- dgr radio
- tido
okay...itu rutin harian aq minggu cuti ni...bosannn buat bnde yg same tiap2 hari...pffft! *kcuali yg texting ngn bf tu ar...yg tu bes!! haha
Posted by FDRA at 3:40 AM 0 comments
Posted by FDRA at 1:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
eh mne ade bengang aq..tbe2 tgh lyn radio...ade lh mnusie ni hok yg trtekan dgn diri die..
my sistahh EFA...ape hal ni babe...ttbe je hntar sms"ngaku ah yg mg benci aq! sume org ngaku doh..spupu aq diri bnci aq! aq tau prngai aq ni yg buat org dok suke nge aq..ngaku je lah dina! ngaku!!" *antara yg gok ah aq ubah2 skek..hhe..anw back to the topic...WTF is going on with you dop benci mg an kwn aq..dop prnoh ah aq nk bnci mg..ilekk ahh..mmg ar ade gop trase ati sbb dop ar pa syg lah mg..mmg ar rmai kate prangai mg terukk...gtu lah...gni lah...dan knyataan nye mmg betol pom...hahahahahaha! gura aq dok kesoh ah sume tu...sbb mg slalu ade kalu aq susoh..perlu mg igt ni...seterk mne pon org kbo psl jgn hirau ar..mlut diorg ikut ah..nmpok ngt busybody care hal org..diri sendiri pon dok tgk kott cermin jgn tekangg gni proud of yourself...what god give you..biar ar diorg kate dok suke mg ke ape ke..kesohh ape..bajet sume org suke diri diorg tuh? ke gne? and remember..your family,parents,and other who loves you will still back you up..including me..soo....SMILE OKAYY=) just say fuckk to those people..or point your middle finger to them..haha!
Posted by FDRA at 11:34 PM 0 comments
NAYA! minho! haha
naya...btol ah ckp mg...cute nyer minho...:( kalu mg mapuh sbb aq bunuh mg mitop maaf ah...haha! minho aq punye!
OHHMYGODD! syg,kan bes kalu muke syg cmni...sure nk nikoh lalu! haha;p | *just kidding,i love just the way you are=) |
Posted by FDRA at 11:25 PM 0 comments
base Naya ni sumer sbb jd ketagih pa nge KOREA yg asal2 nye aq x suke lasommm! mg ah niii!
btw, semaddd ouhhh ahli2 kmpulan beast...knape! knape! cairrrrrrrrr..........
bkpe mg semadd ngak ah! |
Posted by FDRA at 11:22 PM 0 comments
BAND BAND BAND! :) but :(
WEEEE! bes ouh jd colourguard taon ni..i loikee..:)
dina jd senior same ngn azza dlm colourguard...yg len sume kecikk...hha..mmg BES ahh time olahraga or..trme kasih sume colourguard di atas krjasama anda menolong azza..credits to AZZA-DEEB-BABYY-JAZ-SYZNAa-FARAH-ZANA-IKAA and WAWA i guesss...err..anw, tgk arr pic ni...antara happiness time olahraga!
BABYY=D heheh..sygg kauu! |
Posted by FDRA at 10:54 PM 0 comments
mne ade stress kott bile ramai orang kate aq gemokk! actually gemokk pipi ar...badan I still slim...haha!
like my hyper friend said: "korok mg! GEMOKK tu bg kt pipi err sistahhh! not your body..body mg slim gok slim2 pom pe batang lidi..kurus keringg! hha" bak kata pepatah...friends know what you are=) anw, btol gok ckp diorg ouhh...='( ni buat aq sedih ae...tujuan aq mkn bebanyakk tu sbb aq nk gemokk kan sket je bdn..igt berkesan..rupenya...Hoohhh! lemak2 itu dipindahkan ke bhgian BONTOTT ngn PIPI...fuckkk! haha..skang aq dok tau nk wk ape lg...even my boyf kate aq pnye pipi besaarrr punye...kott tu la sebab die suke cubit2 pipi aq...jhat la kau syg! haha..DIET is a NO NO for me=) biar ahh org nk kate aq kurus tp pipi what if i'm like i your bussiness whatt? hell for you..mine your own bussiness lahh! kau pon x la se perfect mne kot..cermin diri lu sayang oiii....hha...k lah..sampai di sini sajaa...oh2 and sorryy lau update lmbt...mse x mengizinkan..biar la aq ni x mcm org gle blog suke update tiap2 sibukk..and sori:) but keep in touch yaa! i'll be back for more things to say to you..daa!
Posted by FDRA at 10:32 PM 0 comments