Tuesday, December 14, 2010

wohhh...gile ah...tgh hari tdi...dina sesak nafasss! 
arghhh! detik yg menakutkan...sakitttt sgtttt....
ye mcm op..tulang rusuk kt dada eh...tekan tarik gtu..
wouhhh...gile ah...nsib mama dina cpt2 letak ubt..
leh ah brnafas sket...skit tu ouh buat dina smpai tergolek2 ats lntai..
nk sedut nye ke udara or...dok leh nk brnfas tdi...skang ok dh sket..
tpi bile ketawa tu sakit ah sket2...k...tu jer nk kbo,...hha
ok...bubye...cheers evryone...labiu!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hari ni...pd wktu ptg...kira2 pkul 5...mybe lebih...aq SEDIH.....
dan perkataan tu mnganggu emosi aq...hati aq...Help Me....pleaseee help me...:'(


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Woot2! haha...dina ade try satu aplikasi nim...ye bleh anggar mke baby kite gne an..hha
dina ltak ah gmbr dina ngn baby sweetheart dina tuh..Guess WHat? cunn gile doe baby tuh! haha
kiutttttt!!! haha...baby sayang...anak kite comell!


OH MY DEMI! hha =D
yakk sumer...dina mmg ADORE sgt2 demi...Demi Rockss! 
hihihi...dina suke cara pemakaian die...
dah la suare dia powerr gylee ouhhh...kan bes kalu suare dina mcm dia...='(
tpi apa2 pon...i L0ve you lah DemI lovatoo...=p
totally obsessed with you,your style,and your singing..
hope brjaya dlm karier awk..
dan harap2 dina leh jdi sehebat mcm demi....hihihi
that's all peeps! OUT~~ =) dinaaaa     

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ok guys,oleh kerana sy terlalu boring duduk terperokkk je dlm umh pd musim cuti skul ni...
sy manjakan diri saya dgn menyolek ntah pape...haha! boringg ni tauu! ape2 je kite buleh buat..
tak tahu datang dri mne idea solek menyolek..makeup2 nim..hha..tpi seronok jgak tau apabila
kite tgk hasil buatan kite sndiri yg menconteng mke smpai rabakk! haha...p cntik jgak...heheh
berbangga sy dbuatnya...wee:D mate tu jadi hor...! haha...abih tajam ujung ye..'Sal0ma' konon nya...bhahahahaha!
tpi ttap chanteq! bgi sy la...sy ni mmg prasan sket..hha..efa jeloz lorh..hha..kite org tanding mata spe lawo g...tu conteng2 hor...
tpi besss....syok habis! hha..my baby sweetheart kate.."mate cyunk lawoo sgt..kalu pkai purdah mmg jdi ah..pkai time kite brtunang and kawin nnti ek..hhi.."
tgk? cntik x sy solek mata sy? hahah...kalu mau tmpahan boleh aja...tpi ade byaran ah...;)
eh2...tpi bkn duit...hhe..tpi duit lah jgak gunenyer..hha...blanje sy aiskrim mcdonalds yg oreo tuh!
hehehe...orait? sooo....smpai di sini saja...:p sori x byk post yg bru...kdg2 x de cite mnarik....
and kdg2 mlas...heheh! cowiiii=)
k,buhbye all the chicks and dudes! 
see you l a  t e rr r ...
peace yall! out! ~ DINA RUSYDA 

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Old Me

This is a picture of me when i'm in primary school...i miss my none pimple oily childish face! hahaha...not that i'm ugly now..actually i'm less satisfied of my face now because..it'so hard to take care of..my face now is a little bit oily,and every month there has to be a few pimple on my face..d'uhh..2 word to say..DAMN! 'n' WHAT THE? these two words are always in my mind every month...urghhh....>_<

My Beloved Fiancee=p

i love you
i miss you
you're the greatest thing that had happen in my life..
you're the only one i can count on..you're always there for me..
you make me happy,smile,laugh...
damn baby..i love you much lah! <3

Friday, September 24, 2010


i loveeeeeee my family..they are everything to me...they make my world go round...and round..and round...whatever lah! hha..the most important thing is...i can't live without them...i love u mama..abah...adikkk! hha...
this is my abah=D handsome kann...hha...awet muderr...haha...he loves playing football..sbb tuh die slim jek...haha...die garang tau...but...sometimes,he is loving too..
mama oh mama! engkau lah ratu hatiku....i love u so much...she is caring,understanding,nice,intelligent everything that i could hope for is in her...she's PERFECT! i love u mom :'( you make me wanna cry..haha!
this is my one and ownly adekkk! he is an evil little kid you know..he always bullies me...every hour,every minute,every second,every day and night...all the time! but, ilove him..bcause..sometimes he can keep secrets,he is funny,always cheers me up..i love u lah!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My angels in my world =)

hey hey! gonna share something...do you have friends? of course you do...if you don't...go find some stupid! without them your life will be so empty..no colourful rainbows,unicorns and bla2! hha..i love my friends! love 'em so much...eventhough some are not you can count on all the time..well,let me show you some of my angels i care about in my world..
meet EFFA=) she is one my group members DENK. we know her as a maniac who is very cheerful..sometimes i don't get her..she's very confusing..WEIRD!...iloveu    
and this is my close friend ever NAYA. she is also my group member DENK. let me tell you something about her..she is very scared of doing something that is unusual to her..she's quiet but if you get to know her better..she is very..very talkative..like seriously! but, she always cracked me up when i'm quiet..to her..she wanna make me laugh all the time..haha! love u lah NAYA'K!
and this is KIA..she's a member of DENK too..don't get switched,she's the girl in the center..she doesn't like posting her picture anywhere..but i manage to post one too..haha! sorry girl..Kia we like to know her as the daring one..she's very fierce,she talks a lot,loves to eat,her language is..well...harsh'? hha..she is a lot like me..but she's twice like me..hha..iloveu!
well guys,i have loads more friends to show you..but..it's too many..hha...we'll see next time k...i'll show you more..that's all...wait2! btw, this is my best friends that i've ever had..and i love them much..no much to say..i hope this friendship will last forever...long live DENK=D

Friday, September 17, 2010

complications between the ones i love

i have many complications that you wouldn't understand but,i want to share you guys a story that confuses me a lot and i can't decide..i met this guy and he is so awesome..and i fell in love with him..finally i've found a guy thats perfect for me..he's nice..he's charming..and he loves me for who i am..and most of all he loves to sing..i always wanted a guy that can sing..now it's easier if i want to sing with him bcause he used to this singing..i love it when he sings to me when i'm going to sleep or anything..i would do anything as long as i'm not seperated with him..and i want to be with him forever as that is our promise to each other..although he lives far away from me..every weekend,we will chat and webcam-ing each other..by using these ways we will not feel far apart and know each other beeings..lets know him as MFAK:) at the same time i also met this guy who is also a friend of MFAK's..he's great and now he's my adopted brother..he likes me,i like him too, BUT as a SIS' to him..lets know him as BEAN..by this adoption thing..MFAK got jealous and he and i always got fights over problems about his jealousy over BEAN..many times i tried to convince MFAK that BEAN is just a brother to me..and MFAK is everything to me..my LIFE...my LOVE...EVRYTHING! but he still don't like the adoption between me and BEAN..i wanted to pleased MFAK so i never reply BEAN's messages or calls..sorry...but this is for my love between me and MFAK..one night...MFAK got jealous again..as always i tried to convince him more and more and more....but,it didn't work..MFAK almost got us seperated...but i apologized to him for my mistake of making BEAN my brother...so i end up breaking my adoption relationship with BEAN..i'm sorry...i don't know what to do..i do care about you..but i love MFAK..don't worry,we can still be friends..and this proves that I love MFAK so much..and he loves me too...we finally make-up and we promise to each other to believe,not leaving each other and will not let anything or someone tear us apart...and by that...i end my story...i love u=)